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Month: June 2022

Hypnotherapy, Coaching & Mentoring

Can hypnotherapy help depression?

Depression is a serious and challenging condition that can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It’s characterised by feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness, as well as disruption in sleep, eating habits and concentration levels. Seeking help from a licensed therapist is recommended when trying to overcome depression, but hypnosis may be…
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Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Hypnotherapy sessions anxiety relief help with anxiety treatment and emotional stress. The first step in treating your anxiety is to explore the underlying cause and what may be freaking you out. There are various techniques used; they include relaxation techniques, guided meditation, deep breathing exercises and hypnosis. Practice these techniques when you feel calm and…
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The Power of Hypnotherapy

Introduction Hypnosis is a powerful tool for helping with habit change, anxiety and fear. It also has a role in performance improvement, creativity and motivation. Hypnosis can be described as an altered state of consciousness in which the critical faculty (the conscious mind) is bypassed (bypassing the critical faculty allows new material to be presented…
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